Dear Church Family This is the 5th time we have spent Mothering Sunday together! It also marks another anniversary because Mothering Sunday last year was the first Sunday when we were unable to meet due to COVID. It is sad that twice in a row the very service where we would love to be together… Continue reading Sunday Reflection – 14/3/21
Author: Steve Barrett
Sunday Reflection – 9/1/21
Dear Church Family Greetings from Carol and I. We hope your are surviving after the first week of lockdown 3. What a week it has been and what distressing scenes from Washington! We also hold so many families in our thoughts and prayers as the virus claims so many lives. There have been positives to… Continue reading Sunday Reflection – 9/1/21
New Years Day Sermon
The reading today gives me a chance to talk about a subject very close to my heart. That subject is adoption. The wonderful awesome truth that the God of the universe decided to make me his adopted son. I will talk in a moment about the basis of that adoption but first I want to… Continue reading New Years Day Sermon
Covid Message from our Rector (05/01/21)
Dear Church family Now that we are in tier 4 some of you have decided to limit contact and are therefore not feeling it wise to attend church. Carol is one who has made this decision and I support her in it. In person services will continue unless the situation changes further but I will… Continue reading Covid Message from our Rector (05/01/21)
Living Hope Online Congegation
Marian has given the okay to share a lovely song from her daughters church on the Isle of Man. Just follow the link which requires a Facebook account.
Advent Sunday 1
Welcome the light The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness. Psalm 18:28 Come, my Lord, my Light, my Way; come, my lantern night and day; come my healer, make me whole; come my Saviour protect my soul; come my King, enter my heart; come Prince of Peace and never depart. Come my King, enter… Continue reading Advent Sunday 1
Sermon Sunday 22nd November
Dear Church Family We trust you are well as we enter the second half of lockdown 2? It is great that we continue to get good news about various vaccines and this gives hope of a more normal 2021. I have been working hard on the content of our Christingle Pack and feel sure… Continue reading Sermon Sunday 22nd November
Sermon Sunday 15th November
Dear Church Family I trust you are all surviving lockdown 2? We are thrilled that there is potential light at the end of the tunnel with progress toward effective vaccines. Last week we were able to continue with our (small) Act of Remembrance at the memorial. It was even more moving knowing that we did… Continue reading Sermon Sunday 15th November
Thoughts on Remembrance Sunday
Dear Church Family They say that what goes around comes around and that has proved true of 2020 lockdowns. I include with this email a timely call to prayer from our Archbishops. As I write, the world is once again in turmoil, not just because lockdown starts tomorrow, but also because America is waiting to… Continue reading Thoughts on Remembrance Sunday
Remembrance Sunday – November 8th
Due to the COVID restrictions Remembrance Sunday will be different this year. There will be no parade of Service personnel marching down Tollerton Lane, no church service and there will be a limited laying of wreaths. The 3 minute silence will take at 11:00 am (as usual). All Tollerton residents who wish to attend should… Continue reading Remembrance Sunday – November 8th