Closure of Church Rooms

Sadly St Peter’s Church has had to close it’s Church Centre. The decision was taken very regretfully by the PCC following a structural survey that highlighted the poor condition of the roof and made it impossible to declare the building safe.  Despite regular repairs to the roof, the tiles are now badly worn and the… Continue reading Closure of Church Rooms

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Spring Supper & Quiz

There will be a Spring Supper with Quiz on Saturday March 14th at 7PM in The Church Rooms. Tickets are £14 each from the wardens.

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Easter Saturday

St. Peters is hoping to organise a new venture, a Christingle like service sharing the Easter story with an Easter Egg Hunt and other activities in church. More information will be available as plans are developed.

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Bishop Paul’s Christmas Message

Have you seen Bishop Paul’s Christmas message yet? In it he reminds us that Jesus’ birth restores hope to a weary world. The video also includes a version of ‘O Holy Night’, performed by Neil Wilson from Trinity Church Nottingham. Watch the message here.

Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Sunday is on Sunday November 12th, starting with the annual parade of Uniformed Groups from Medina Drive (approx. 9:30 am). Tollerton Lane will be closed from 9:15 am until, 10:00 am to road traffic and then closes again approximately at 10:45 am. The congregation and clergy then move to the War Memorial for a… Continue reading Remembrance Sunday

Mayor of Rushcliffe’s Civic Service

Councillor Debbie Mason (Mayor of Rushcliffe) will hold her annual civic service at St. Peters on October 15th at 3pm. The Mayor’s Chaplin is Canon Rev. Bronwen Gamble will conduct the service. All are welcome.

Quiz Night

The Quiz Night taking place on Saturday 30th September at 7 pm, will include a Ploughmans Supper. Prize for winning team.

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Art and Photography Weekend

The Annual Art and Photography Weekend will take place on the weekend of 9th and 10th of September. There will be soup / home made cakes along with tea and coffee. Free admission. Some of the Artwork will be available for sale.

Archdeacon Visit

Nottingham Archdeacon the Ven Phi Williams is taking our Holy Communion service on May 7th.  Phil is one of the key people who will decide the future of St Peter’s so as well as looking forward to his service and preaching, it will be an opportunity to ask him about any plans for St Peter’s… Continue reading Archdeacon Visit

Bishop Andy’s Easter Message

Bishop Andy reflects on the contrasting emotions of Holy Week, of grief that turns to joy, and what we can learn from children about living life to the full this Easter.